Thursday, November 29, 2007

When work catches up

I'm sick and it sucks. In between having a two-year-old around all last week (which was awesome, except for the fact that she's germy) and working almost every waking hour of the day, I got a cold. It creeped up on me one day last week and it took a week to get to full-blown cold status. Lovely.

I called in sick to work today to spare my co-workers from the constant hacking and blowing of my nose. Here's hoping that I go in tomorrow, but I am not making any promises.

When I finish sampling various cough and cold medicines, I'll share my findings of the best. I took Nyquil Cough last night and I'm relatively convinced that it made me more sick. Last night when I went to bed I just had a cough and today I woke up with clogged ears, a runny nose and all sorts of other problems. What gives? The cough did go away, though...

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