Friday, February 27, 2009

The jean pool

My office is suffering from its share of challenges resulting from the economy. As an incentive for hanging in there, our CEO announced earlier this week that we're implementing casual Fridays (jeans and tennis shoes!) and also that everyone gets three extra vacation days this year. While I would have liked a raise, this comes awfully close.

So here I am, sitting at work in my jeans and loving life. The farmers and others reading my blog who can "dress down" on a regular basis may not truly understand how nice this is. I do have lunch with a reporter from USA Today in a few hours, but I brought pants to change into. There's no way I was passing this up!


Margaret said...

They now how to compensate, don't they? It's not ALWAYS about money. One of my many mottoes in life!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you won't have a week like we just had at work:
Monday - pajama day
Tuesday - crazy day
Wednesday - group day
Thursday - purple and gold day
Friday - jersey day
These sort of weeks can be fun if a little crazy!!

Ellen Davis said...

Good grief, Aunt Phyll. That sounds like Spirit Week in high school! Are your co-workers going through a midlife crisis or something?

Also, I am dying to know what you did for "group day."

Linda said...

I'm totally jealous. We get jeans days only once per quarter and have to pay $5 to participate - and we don't get to wear tennis shoes.