Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cabin fever

After blogging, blogging, and more blogging from our Annual Convention in New York, we headed out last Thursday to our place in this world, a cabin about 90 minutes away. Rachel and I went out on Thursday afternoon; Chad, Janice and Paul trickled in on Friday; and Nick came on Saturday.

Our long weekend involved:

Reading (I finished four magazines, a record for me)


Gaming (Rummikub, Buzzword & the Game of Things, plus pitch)

Stoking (& s'mores...yummm...)

Sleeping (during the Colts/Ravens game...how pathetic is this?)

Walking (four miles a day, thankyouverymuch)

Taking in the scenery (ing) - see everyone down by the fire pit?

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I am one of many people, I am presuming, that wish I had been there to join in the activities. What a time away! Food for the soul.