Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The state of...something

Here are my thoughts from tonight’s State of the Union, or whatever it was:
  • Michelle Obama looked awesome. She has great arms and I loved the shade of purple she was wearing. (It's the color I thought she would wear to the Inaugural Balls...good to know I was just "off" by a few weeks.)

  • Nancy Pelosi looked horrible and she couldn’t sit still—always fiddling with something. If I was doing that, my grandma would have told me it looked like I had ants in my pants. (And dad would have told me not to look smug, which Pelosi also did.) The first thing you should learn when on TV is not to fidget. Every millimeter of movement counts. Someone needs to get that woman a good consultant.

  • So much for today’s Congress not wanting to pass along this gazillion-dollar deficit to the next generation. I’m the next generation and I’m going to end up paying for this mess. Thanks, guys. And I don’t buy this 95%-of-Americans-won’t-pay-more-taxes baloney. That sounds like a “Read my lips: no new taxes” campaign nightmare just waiting to happen. There is no way you're going to get out of this debacle without raising taxes. On everything. (Well, there is a way, but that's not a route that this Congress and this President are going to take.)

  • The fact that parents need to raise their children first, then send them to the education system was the smartest thing Obama said all night. I’m tired of the thinking that the educational system needs to provide everything. Amen to that.

  • I loved seeing Chad's boss nudge Orrin Hatch when Obama said his name. It was subtle, but I laughed out loud.

  • You can’t guilt people in to giving away money. It’s so cool that the bank CEO gave away $60 million, and good for him, but that shouldn’t be a requirement. I pay the government taxes and that's not an option for me, but they don't need to dictate who else I give money to, or how much I "should" be giving.

  • I spent the entire hour completely uninspired. It was totally forgettable. The Republican response was equally awful. Bobby Jindal sounded like a car salesman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bobby LOOKED like a used car salesman, starting with the slicked back hair to the shiny black suit! what was up with that?