Friday, November 5, 2010

DC's power couple

Chad reminded me this morning that it's been nearly a month since I blogged. Mom reminded me - publicly - as well, though I will say I've blogged since she has.

So, here's our biggest news from the last month.

Remember this? Well, it's happened again.

In a football game a couple weeks ago, Chad tore his ACL and meniscus on his left knee. He also has been having some lingering pain and swelling in his right knee, and an MRI showed that he tore the meniscus in his right knee as well. We were hoping for good news and preparing for bad news. Unfortunately, we got the latter.

Between my ever-growing belly and Chad's hobbling, we are quite the pair. It's actually comical.

So, Chad needs a scope on his right knee and reconstructive surgery on his left (ie: crutches for a month). The question around here is, when should we do it?

Should we try to get the ACL done before the baby is born so that Chad could start his recovery during a slow time of year and I'd only have to deal with taking care of one child at a time? (Sorry, couldn't help it...) If we went that route, in a perfect world the worst of his recovery would be behind him before Buster's grand debut, even though he'd be on crutches during the delivery and through Christmas. We wouldn't have to dread any upcoming surgeries since it would be out of the way and it's a slightly better option from an insurance standpoint. In a not-so-perfect world, the baby would come while Chad was still doped up on pain meds and unable to drive, though fortunately we have lots of friends and family who have already offered to chip in.

Other options: Wait until later on in my maternity leave, even though Chad will be busier at work. Wait until next summer even though the baby will be more mobile, I'll be back at work, and in the meantime Chad may injure his knees even more. (I don't personally see any of this as a good thing though this is what the surgeon seems to think makes the most sense.) Do both surgeries at the same time, even though the immediate recovery would be more difficult... Decisions, decisions. And not a single one of them is a no-brainer.

So I leave it up to you:

How should Chad approach surgery?
Just scope the right knee before the baby is born. There will be time for the "big" surgery later.
Have surgery on the left knee ASAP. Get it over with already and hope Buster doesn't come early!
Have both knees done at the same time sometime after the baby is born.
Wait until next summer to do both, separately. Babies are hard work!

(Let's say it in unison, "Hopefully Buster gets Ellen's knees.")