Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On the second day...

Today, Jackson began the second day of his brand-spanking-new daycare. We've been on the list for this place for over a year, and we're really excited about his new "teachers" and the structure of the program. (After looking at his daily "report card" of developmental activities - which included "pretending to fly" and "pointing at black and white pictures" - Chad said, "Man, I'm going to feel guilty about not taking him in on weekends too.")

When I picked him up yesterday, Jackson seemed a bit shell-shocked. I chalked it up to over-stimulation, new faces and a change in his schedule. It was the first time in Jackson's "I'll go to anyone, anytime" life that he was actually clingy. And quiet.

Today when I picked him up, I was handed the following:

Turns out, he was getting sick. The doctor says it's a serious ear infection. (Ouch.)

But the "Your son was sent home from school today because ____" note makes me laugh. This was the first time, but something tells me this will not be the last in his many years of education that I get a note from the teacher. Here's hoping this trend doesn't continue into, oh, high school.

Yes, I'm going to save this.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm baaack...

Well, this is embarrassing.

It's been two months to the day since I have updated my blog. Since I wrote my first post in 2007 I've never gone this long without updating it.

I refuse to get caught up over-explaining and rationalizing my neglect so I will only say I'm sorry to all four of you who read this. (Or maybe none of you now. Hmm.)

I'm also not going to try to spend an entire blog post summing up our last two months. Partially because there's too much to include and partially because I don't have enough brain cells at the moment to remember all of it. I do know that since I've blogged I've gotten a new boss, been to a bachelorette party, went away on a work trip, stayed downtown for our anniversary (6!), been to a wedding, hosted the parents for a long visit, spent time back home on vacation.... Honestly I don't remember the rest. Let's just say I haven't spent the last two months getting manicures and reading books.

Though I did just read The Help and it was as good as everybody says.

So we'll leave it at this: Now that my little guy is soundly sleeping 12 straight hours at night (halleluiah, I feel like a real person again) and my house is not a disaster and my job is not utterly insane, I will update this more often. How often? Who knows.

Guess you'll have to come back again to find out.