Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Does anybody out there know how to talk toddler? Because this seems very important.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Rat race

The weather this past weekend was perfect, and we were looking for things to do outside. Since it's free to get into the National Zoo, we headed over one morning to spend a few hours looking at the animals before lunch and naptime.

Jackson loved the small mammal house, and he was absolutely enthralled with the monkeys, prairie dogs, porcupines and ferrets. (It was hard to tell whether the shrieking was coming from him or from the mammals in the exhibit.) His favorite were the muskrats - one in particular who he raced back and forth with for several minutes. Though it was only 10 a.m., they both seemed to wear each other out fairly quickly. I thought to record this after about five minutes of the back-and-forth, but you should get the drift.