Thursday, October 2, 2008

My day made better

To those of you who think it's impossible for me not to talk about something, I would like to first note that I've kept a secret for a whole week! (...from my mom, anyway...and I did this by not calling her...)

Yesterday morning, my mom was selected as one of the teachers to receive OfficeMax's "A Day Made Better" package. She was surprised in her classroom with a new chair, a digital camera, and a bunch of school supplies. They do this to bring attention to how much of their own money teachers spend in their classroom every year and, of course, for good PR.

I would have loved to go home for it, but since it was in the middle of the week, it didn't work out. So I was excited to see the Register-Mail article and the video they posted on You Tube! It made me feel like I was there.

Congrats, mom!

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