Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ice, Ice, Baby

We made it back to Illinois in a relatively uneventful drive yesterday afternoon. Fortunately, we were on the heel of one storm and the tail of another. The roads were dry and the company was enjoyable, meaning the 14 hours or so passed quickly. As quickly as 14 hours can pass, that is.

There’s a crazy combination here of snow, then ice, then more snow, and it’s hilarious to watch Lucy try to chase her buddy Otis (Daniel’s dog). She can’t get her footing and keeps sliding around.

Even though it’s 20 below, she loves going outside. This morning, Lucy woke up when the sun rose at 6:40 and had no interest in going back to sleep. At one point, she was out so long and was eating so much snow and ice, she had an interesting beard of sorts when she came inside. But once she warms up, she's ready to go back out again!

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