Monday, October 5, 2009

A bonafide smackdown

Janice and I have been bonding once a week in kickboxing class (aka: "Body Combat"). We usually go on Mondays and if we're not busy we'll go on Saturday mornings as well. It's one of the only things I do for me. And it doesn't cost anything.

Even though I feel like I'm going to die by the end of the hour, class leaves me feeling de-stressed, incredibly motivated and full of energy. Life is good! I can do anything! (Can you tell I just got home?)

One of the reasons why I enjoy our class so much is because of the instructor. After observing her great arm muscles, incredible endurance and spunky personality during the first class I pegged her at about 25 years old. "Of course I can't be in that good of shape," I thought. "My glory years have passed me by..." (Note: This is not me feeling sorry for myself as much as it is my rationale for why I don't look like she does.)

A few weeks ago, she mentioned she is trying to divert her three-year-old daughter away from princesses into Tinkerbell, who she thinks is tough. "Holy moly," I thought. "She is in incredible shape for having a kid." There's no reason that I couldn't aspire to her level of fitness, especially since she doesn't seem like one of those crazy-in-shape people who adheres to a strict macrobiotic diet or some other nonsense. And she said she doesn't work out on vacation, so I appreciate that we've at least got that in common.

So a week after the bombshell that my knock-out instructor is a mom, she said in the middle of one of our classes that she has two kids. My rationale was going quickly down the tubes.

And tonight I found out she is 37. So this means I have six years and change to look like her.

As Janice so astutely reminded me a few weeks ago as we both were wheezing and red-faced after class, "Think about how many times we can do this before June!"


Multiple Personalities said...

One of my favorite quotes from our instructor was from last night. While we were in the middle of kicking and punching with sweat dripping off of us she said "I wish you could see at all the peaceful yoga people out there staring at us. I think this is a good stress reliever too, right?" Ha...she's awesome

Linda said...

Awesome, so that means I have about six years to get my butt back in shape, too! Ellen, I think we need to be roommates again. I was in great shape when we lived together in St. Louis... of course I fell off the wagon in DC (I blame Baja Fresh and Mo) but I'm sure I can get it back. Just won't be able to start hard core workouts until May 2010 now. I'll start training as soon as I get doctor's clearance and we can run the Disney Mount Everest 5K at Animal Kingdom in June. Plus, its in Florida, so it would be fun!