Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ice, Ice Baby

We don't get much "winter" weather here. But as I spent 30 minutes scraping ice off of my windshield and windows this morning, I was longing for the days in high school when my dad would exhibit a quiet gesture of kindness scraping off my car before continuing on to morning chores. I never asked and never expected, but it sure was nice to have a perfectly clean windshield on those cold, icy mornings.

(Granted, he probably did this because it offered peace of mind that I wouldn't drive to school staring out of a peephole that I scraped off myself. He probably also would have worried that if I scraped my own car I'd be even more likely to catch a cold--which he was always warning me about--since I went to school every day with wet hair.)

So I was thinking about him today as I was slipping around in a skirt and heels while chiseling my windows and trying to keep my patience.

I was also thinking about my mother-in-law who, by some stroke of good fortune on my part, thought to give us a spray bottle of de-icer for Christmas which came incredibly handy today for Chad, myself, and our neighbor. Midwesterners sure are problem-solvers.

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