Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lessons about sun

Last week, I went to the doctor for the results of some blood work and found out that I have a severe Vitamin D deficiency. (This explains all sorts of things and it's not a huge deal. By taking a prescription with a near-overdose of these vitamins, I will be perfectly fine.)

I came to find out that all of your body's Vitamin D is produced by exposure to the sun. And by the way, if you use sunscreen, your body cannot process the sun's rays into this vitamin we all need.

Lesson learned: being in the sun (maybe even without sunscreen) is good for you, right? Ha.

Ironically, also last week, my dad had minor surgery to remove skin cancer on his neck. (He is also fine.) But about being damned if you do and damned if you don't!

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