Monday, April 13, 2009

Footloose & fancy-free

I have the world's most darling dress to wear to our friends' wedding in Florida this weekend. Problem? As of yesterday, I didn't have a single pair of shoes to go with them.

Since I already had the dress, I decided to splurge on a new pair of shoes. You'd think with the yellow/pink/red/green/blue/purple/gray/tan combination in the dress, it would be beyond easy to find a pair that matches. Well, it's not. (For a photo of the dress, check out this blog post from last July. Perhaps to some fashionistas I am committing a cardinal sin by wearing a dress again, but since there is only one couple that will have gone to the same wedding as us, it's pretty much new to everyone else. And I like it.)

I've looked and looked, consulted friends and sisters, considered spending wayyy too much money if I found "the perfect pair," and then, lo and behold, today I found them. (And they weren't expensive. Certainly cheaper than a new dress.) They are just the right shade of deep purple. Fabulous.

I only have two concerns: 1) I hope they arrive by Thursday and 2) I hope they look good with the dress!


Multiple Personalities said...

It is NOT a cardinal sin to wear a dress twice. In fact, during these economically difficult times, it could be viewed as quite wise. Besides, it is totally easy to justify buying a fabulous dress if you know you're going to get at least two wears out of it :)

Aunt Rita said...

I would wear that dress a whole bunch of times - it's cute and it looks good on you! And the shoes are darling - good job dressing yourself!

Meredith said...

Hope your shoes come on time!! Wish I could be at the wedding, but I'm sure you guys will have fun with Kev. AND I have a dress I bought at Nordstrom in 2002 that I wore to THREE weddings. I still have it in my closet, and would consider wearing it again!