Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My favorite things, Part 4

Well, I wrote about My Favorite Things in Sept. '07, Feb. '08, and Jan. '09 (good GRIEF time flies!) so I suppose it's time for a update. Here's what I'm loving right now.

Amlactin: If you have really dry hands, this is good stuff. Rachel's dermatologist recommended it, and my hands haven't been this happy in years.

PowerSox: These are amazing socks if you do anything that requires speed (kickboxing and running, for me). I stumbled upon them a few weeks ago to replace my sad little holes-in-the-heel socks and am wishing I bought more than three pairs.

My new L.L. Bean hoodie: I was reintroduced to L.L. Bean after receiving the warmest gloves I've ever owned at Christmas (thanks, mom!). And then I got a catalog from them in the mail featuring a new women's line. Instead of looking about 30 years older than I feel, a lot of it was cute. So when Janice and I were at the mall a few weeks ago, I hunted down the only L.L. Bean in our area and tried one on for size. I've been wearing it practically ever since. Besides, who can't get behind this spring-y shade of green!?!

The Game of Things: Hilarious and good for all ages. Every time we play this (six or more people is preferable), I fall out of my chair laughing.

The song, "I'm Alive" by Kenny Chesney and Dave Matthews:

So damn easy to say that life's so hard
Everybody's got their share of battle scars
As for me I'd like to thank my lucky stars
I'm alive and well

The lyrics are a good reminder that we've all got issues. But at the end of the day, well, most of what we have is amazing.

Undercover Boss: New. Favorite. Show. CBS. Sunday nights.

The Happiness Project: I'm actually a little bitter about this book because I was going to call this blog "The Happiness Project" a few years ago but the name was already taken. Now I know why. Still, this is a great read and provides little tidbits on how to live happier, even if you're generally happy to begin with. The "commandment" I keep reminding myself is "Act the way you want to feel." If you have $15, buy this book. You'll read it more than once.

If you have ten more dollars, buy my second-favorite book I'm reading now, Throw Out Fifty Things, which walks you through each room of your house with a simple list of four ways to know if you should keep something or pitch it. Cathartic! (And if you buy both books together, the total is $25.27, good for free shipping from Amazon.)

PS: Hoodie from L.L. Bean, People magazine subscription, iPod headphones, two books = my Christmas money is nearly spent.

PPS: If you read either of these books, I want to know what you think!

1 comment:

Becca D. said...

We play the game of things all the time now at our group game nights back here. It is quite entertaining!!! :) Oh and I love a good hoodie too, live in them almost everyday. My fav right now is the hand me down Illini one from Evan. Yes...we are now getting hand me downs from Evan!