Wednesday, January 27, 2010

To each his (or her) own

Chad and I each got some money for Christmas, generous gifts from grandparents who gave us cash to choose our own presents. (As an extra bonus, money takes up no space in the car on the way home!)

So we each had a little chunk of change of our very own to purchase something we really wanted that we never would have bought ourselves. This is rather unusual at this point in our lives, because each purchase of $40 or more that's not food-related generally requires some consensus from the other person so we're at least being fair in spending our money.

But when it comes to Christmas cash, all bets are off. We each look at the money we have, and buy what we want.

And one month later, our money has been spent.

Chad researched and planned, spending a lot of time thinking about what he wanted to buy. He is perfectly giddy and is tracking his purchases like kids track Santa on Christmas Eve.

With this year's Christmas money, Chad bought a new softball bat (and, let me tell you, those things are expensive) and a new sports bag. So instead of using three different bats in the three different leagues he plays in, Chad can "learn" one bat, leading to even more home-runs. (I also think these sports-related purchases give Chad some hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel after his knee surgery.)

Me? Well, I haven't committed to anything quite yet. On the list are really nice headphones for my iPod and an annual subscription to People magazine. (What a splurge!)

Though, for the record, I did this same thing last year. I thought and thought and thought so much that I never made a decision and still have the money sitting in an envelope in a drawer at home. [cringe] My New Year's resolution is back to bite me.

Some things never change.

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