Saturday, June 2, 2007

We're connected (for now)

So we decided to invest in high-speed internet access at home. It will come in handy for a variety of things, not least of which is working from home, which is often high on my priority list. To make a very long story short, sometimes it's been working and sometimes it hasn't. I was on the phone last night for 90 minutes with an absolute IDIOT from Verizon DSL who had no idea what he was doing. He kept pleading with me to give him ten more minutes...until finally I told him that I was done with this whole process and wanted to cancel my service. And then Chad called this morning and got it to work. At any rate, as of right now we're connected. Who knows how long this will last...

We decided not to get a dog. Or should I say, someone else decided we shouldn't get a dog. The one we applied for from the shelter went to another family but it was probably for the best. It would have been great sometimes and a complete pain other times. And I wasn't thrilled with the idea of having a dog in my house. I have to clean up after Chad enough as it is.

Happy second anniversary to us...we decided in lieu of dinner or a trip we were going to get new furniture for our basement. This turned into more of a project than either of us were anticipating because our entryway down to the basement is only 29 inches. We ended up finding a sectional that fits really well, plus a chair that we like. And Chad was pretty convinced that he needed a game table to round it all out, so we found one on Craig's List for a pretty decent deal. He's trying to get some guys over for poker tonight to test it all out. We're giving away our old furniture to Habitat for Humanity, which is coming to pick it up on Monday sometime. Meanwhile, it's hanging out in our living room. I'm looking forward to getting it out of here!

And in other news...Chad picked a hotel for us in Napa. I'm so excited about it. It's the Napa River Inn and looks really awesome. I booked the rental car and he's looking for wineries. I'm also in charge of the spa so it's been fun to research which ones look the best! Perhaps I'll bring my computer and blog from vacation--or not. We'll see.

I'm home for another week then head out to San Diego next Sunday. I'll be in San Diego three times in the next three months--you think we could have done a better job planning these meetings?

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