Monday, August 27, 2007

No rest for the weary

A quick update on our great vacation. Chad and I have been exploring San Francisco for the past two days, starting with a ferry ride from Oakland to San Fran yesterday, walking down past all the piers to Fisherman's Wharf, a ferry ride to and tour of Alcatraz (really cool) and a San Francisco Giants game. Plus a great dinner at a Mexican restaurant with three pitchers of margaritas for our table and fabulous food & company. All that was yesterday. I'm tired just thinking about it.

Today we went walking all around downtown San Francisco. We walked through the authentic Chinatown (not the tourist one) where I watched a woman take a chicken out of a cage and cut its head off. This was after I saw live fish flapping around out of water and a man pick two toads out of a bucket to buy for dinner. Not necessarily something that I intended to see...perhaps it's a good thing I didn't go to China with Chad.

Got a great chocolate eclair in Little Italy, walked down Lombard Street, through Hyde Park to a Safeway that is ranked one of the #1 places in the city to meet singles (I'm not kidding), a great local place for lunch and then a long walk back to the car. It's great to travel the city with locals so we know where to go, where to eat, etc. I'm waiting for the moment when I wake up and my thighs are killing me from the steep hills. At least I'll have some exercise while on vacation!

Oh and we topped off the day with hot fudge sundaes from Fentons, which has been an Oakland ice cream parlor since 1884. Talk about ending the day with a cherry on top.

Off to Sonoma tomorrow.

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