Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Gone Fishin'

I don't remember who thought of this first, but we have decided to bid adieu to summer by renting a cabin in the Shenandoah Valley for a few days. Just the two of us, plus Lucy. By the time you read this, we'll be long gone!

We're escaping the city, spending a few days being anti-social, and, yes, going fishing. (Chad even bought poles.) I am bound and determined to teach Lucy to swim, or at least teach her that she doesn't need to be afraid of water higher than her legs. Chad is bound and determined to catch something (though I'm preparing a Plan B for dinner just in case).

A sidenote: We are not camping. My part of the deal was that we needed four walls, air conditioning, a kitchen, and running water. Chad wanted to be on a river and have a grill. All was accomplished.

There will be plenty of stories and photos when we return, I imagine, but until then, you won't hear a peep from us.

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