Tuesday, February 17, 2009

30 random things

There's something going around on Facebook (a social networking site that I belong to) where you're supposed to list 25 random things about yourself. I hesitated to do this for several weeks until my brother did it and, well...then I felt compelled to join in.

Here were my 25 random things:

1. The most spontaneous thing I have ever done was quit my first job to travel on an event marketing tour for five months. It was the best experience of my life.
2. I moved to DC for two years. Seven years later, I’m still here.
3. I am so fortunate that all of my grandparents are living. I wish I saw them more often.
4. It scares me that I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life.
5. I have kept an Excel spreadsheet of our household expenses for the last seven years. Yes, I can tell you how much we spent on gas in 2002 vs. 2006.
6. I would be happy living in the middle of nowhere.
7. If I wasn’t in PR, I would write children’s books.
8. Somehow in the last year, I have accidentally become a dog person.
9. I would rather be interviewed live on television than speak in front of 50 co-workers.
10. I have learned to appreciate good wine, good cheese, and a good pair of running shoes.
11. I wrote my first story in the third grade. (I still have it.)
12. My uncle tried to convince my now-husband to ask me to his prom. He didn’t. Six years later, we started dating.
13. I appreciate good vegetables and fruit more than good meat. I could be a vegetarian and be perfectly happy. [Side note: I think this is because I was so spoiled with good meat as a kid that I really can't appreciate what I get now.]
14. I would rather have a big yard than a big house.
15. My first memory is of going to the dentist with my sister. I was three years old.
16. I don’t ask God for things. I just ask Him to help me figure life out.
17. I am not a morning person but I go to the gym at 5:30 a.m. four days a week.
18. I worry that I will not be able to raise my kids as well as my parents raised us.
19. We eat dinner really late at our house. As in, 9 p.m. most nights.
20. When a long relationship ended after college, I made a specific list of what I was looking for in my next guy. And I married him.
21. The only people who read my blog religiously are my dad and Chad’s grandma.
22. If both of my sisters didn’t live in DC, I would be more open-minded about moving.
23. I was a “surprise” baby.
24. I have never broken a bone, but I did get twenty stitches in my eyebrow two days before my tenth birthday.
25. I spent the summer after high school working at our local newspaper, writing up engagement and wedding announcements, among other things. Therefore, I can type faster than anyone I know.

Believe it or not, most of the comments I received were about #21, from people who said that they, too, read my blog. Who knew I had such a following? For those of you who read both and for which this was redundant, here's an extra five "things". Consider it your cherry-on-top:

26. I taught myself to like tomatoes, coffee and sushi. I am trying to like celery and cucumbers but it isn't working yet.
27. Even though I work in the retail industry, I really don't like to shop, especially for clothes.
28. I am a saver and Chad is a spender. If it were up to him, we'd have no savings. If it were up to me, we'd have no fun.
29. One of my least favorite things to do is flip through channels. If I turn on the TV, it's for a purpose.
30. I love to play practical jokes. Several years ago I spent $12 on a three-year subscription to Parents' magazine just so I could see Chad's face when it came in the mail. (The reaction was so priceless, I'm still laughing.)


Linda said...

Can we, your loyal readers, use this comments section to provide additional random things about you? ;) Like the name of our apartment in St. Louis? The risk would be that this could become a very good natured roast... Thoughts?

Ellen Davis said...

But of course! Bring it on. (If that means people will actually comment, I am all for it.)

Oh, I did love the Pot House. What an excellent random thing to note.

DJ Robbie Robb said...

....it aint about you but about your husband but I guess it's about you..lol

I met "Hubs" the same week I saw the movie Charlie's Angels with Tom Green's character referred to himself as "The Chad".

I have referred to him as The Chad ever since (mostly behind his back)

Linda said...

Regarding your infamous Excel spreadsheets, there a a new, secure site that helps tabulate and manage all accounts and tracks your overall net worth: www.mint.com

Let's take your OCD behavior to the next level! Plus, it's way easier than putting everything in a spreadsheet. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

As for #21, I, too, am a regular reader of your blog - I love it!
And as for #23, those of us who know your mom really, really well didn't find her pregnancy much of a "surprise"...............