Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pity party

I have done an admirable job feeling sorry for myself for...oh, about three months. To be fair, life has been a little chaotic. In addition to the merger and then the un-merger, I got an amazing job offer and turned it down, which I now regret. (Apologies to my faithful readers that I didn't clue you in on that little element.) I haven't been eating well or going to the gym, so I don't feel as good. My house is a mess (or at least it was until I went on a cleaning rampage Sunday). We've been eating out a lot and letting perfectly good food in our fridge go bad. In sum, I feel fat, wasteful, slovenly, broke, uninspired, and about a million other things.

It's time for this pity party to end.

This morning, I went to the gym and had a great workout. I decided somewhere between miles 1 and 2 on the treadmill that my woe-is-me mindset has gotten ridiculous. There is absolutely nothing that has happened to me lately that has been outside of my control, which means that it's time for me to take charge of what I can, work around what I can't, and embrace everything that's good in my life (really, there is so much!).

It's truly amazing how a change in perspective instantly makes things seem better. In the last three hours, I noticed how good the air smelled, savored my morning cup of coffee, sang along with the radio on the way to work, and already tackled a mundane task I'd been dreading.

Life is good. If I start feeling sorry for myself again, please remind me of this.


Margaret said...

I will consider it my mission if you will promise to keep me on track also. All of the decisions we make are for a reason. Let time be the judge of that.

Meredith said...

I agree with your Mom. And sometimes we all could use a little pity party...I've done this as well recently. You've got a lot of good going on too!