Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hear me out

Even though the House is in recess, the Senate is still going strong. Chad has had three major hearings over the last week, which have kept him really busy. In advance, he'll research the panelists and write questions for his boss to ask the people who are testifying. And then of course he'll sit in on the hearings when they happen.

I do my very best to care about and understand what he's working on, but most of the time, these things go right over my head:

Last Tuesday
e: What's tomorrow's hearing about?
c: systemic risk

e: What's tomorrow's hearing about?
c: prudential regulations

e: What was today's hearing about?
c: regulatory overhauls of credit rating agencies

It is in these moments that I'm overwhelmed by how smart Chad really is. Just the ability to stay awake in meetings about topics like these is beyond my comprehension. I'm glad all I have to talk about is shopping!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I have no idea what any of that means. Think those words have put me to sleep :)