Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here we go again...

Remember last year when I wrote about the chaotic, sleep-deprived, often-stressful six days that I spend in New York each January for our Annual Convention? Without going into great detail - or complaining, because I do consider this chaos to be job security - I will say that I'm gearing up for nearly a week days of insanity. So why am I up at 12:20 a.m.? i wonder that myself. Dear Lord, please give me strength.

Perhaps you're sitting there saying to yourself, "Well, if she's heading to New York, I shouldn't bother checking in to see if she's writing about anything for the next few days."

And that's where you're wrong.

I will be blogging. Just maybe not here. RT will be blogging too (she's learning the hard way what happens when you kindly volunteer for "other duties as assigned").

And I'll be walking. A lot. This year, I bought a pedometer simply because I'm curious to see how many miles I can walk in three-inch heels. I'll keep you posted on how that turns out.

But don't feel too sorry for me. Rachel and I somehow have nabbed the Presidential Suite at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square (something about me offering to share a room with her to save money so NRF felt like maybe we needed a TON of space and we already had the space comp'd anyway - still mildly embarrassing, actually) and, after Convention, our office is closed Thursday, Friday, and the following Monday, so I'm getting the heck out of dodge to go to the cabin for a weekend.

Even though it's going to be a crazy week, thinking about the cabin makes me already breathe a sigh of relief! And here we goooooo....!

1 comment:

Rita said...

Curious minds want to know which one of you is going to play that grand piano.... In the spirit of boosting the confidence of your clients, NRF should host a "cocktail party/gathering" in your suite with entertainment consisting of Rachel tickling the ivories and Ellen leading the group in rousing choruses of motivational tunes. Imagine the precedent you'll set.....