Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Passing Time

Hi folks, this is Lucy. Ellen has been gone for a while, so I thought I would bring you up to speed. I've been sleeping a lot. However, while I sleep during the day, once I've persuaded the mailman he had better not come into the house, I am always alert to outside dangers from which I must protect the home. At night, Chad comes home. I always have a lot to tell him and not much time to do it right when he walks in the door. I'm not sure he listens very well, but we all know this just means I need to keep talking, maybe a little louder, right ladies? Don't worry. Ellen has taught me well.

Anyway, after I've told him about my day, we go out for our evening patrols. The neighborhood has been pretty quiet this week. I haven't had to scold any people or animals for their behavior like I've had to now and then in weeks past. I think it may be because Chad is out too. Sometimes when Ellen comes out people think they can get away with more so I have to be extra vigilant. Ellen and I play good cop, bad cop. She is very good and acting like she's taking their side. We've got this down to a science. When Chad patrols with me, I think people must see him as the bad cop, so I try to make them feel a little more at ease. He and I still have some work to do on this, I think, but it seems to be working, so I don't rock the boat.

Once we return, it's time for some dinner and then another nap before bed. That's what I was doing in the picture. It came out blurry, I think, but it was the only one I could find with my new favorite pillow. Well, I had better go. School lets out soon and I need to be positioned in a highly visible area to ensure that those kids do get too close to Chad and Ellen's car.

1 comment:

Becca D. said...

Very nice Chad...err Lucy...brought a smile to my face reading this!