Sunday, July 8, 2007

A toasty day in DC

Day 2 at the gym and today was a bit more challenging than yesterday. Not only because my arms feel like they're going to fall off but also because the AC was "being repaired." It was hot in there.

They say you learn one new thing every day. Today I learned a few things (mostly from my Self magazine). Here they are:
  • There is a website that tells you, based on your weight and level of activity, how much water you should consume every day. According to them, I need 76 ounces a day (yikes!). I'd better start drinking. Water.
  • Full-fat dairy products like ice cream help with fertility (who knew?). And, no, I'm not going to up my daily intake of Baskin-Robbins at the moment, though that will be a great rationale to head down the street for some Jamoca Almond Fudge someday.
  • 20-minutes of leisure per day (be it gardening, reading a book, baking, etc.) is actually essential for your health--as important as eating well and getting enough sleep!

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