Monday, May 19, 2008

Say cheese

My new camera has arrived. (Thank you, Lucy, for destroying my old one. I never really liked it anyway.)

Here are a few snapshots from last night to provide a bit of perspective on a random night at our house and my fancy new photo-taking abilities. This was right after the Desperate Housewives season finale which Janice and I salivated over and Chad completely ignored.

1) Chad, all dressed up because he just got home from a work dinner (who the heck schedules Sunday night dinners!?!).

2) Janice debuting her funky/trendy/short(!) new 'do. (Plus the ten inches of hair that they lopped off in a ponytail.)

It's kind of weird that you send off ten inches of your hair to a random address. I'm not sure I'd want to work in the mailroom there.

3) Lucy watching all of us get ready for bed. She's not happy because she knows what happens next. (She gets in her crate and doesn't get to play with anyone for eight hours.)

1 comment:

Annie's Antics :-) said...

Great blog, Ellen! Love Janice's new 'do and Lucy's a doll! Hello to Chad and your new camera ;-) What kind did you get?
