Monday, May 5, 2008

Here we go again...

My history of losing things and then finding them is no secret. In fact, it's sometimes comical.

I have been looking for the Michael Clayton DVD we got from Netflix for, oh, about three weeks. After operating under the assumption that I would find it, I have come to the conclusion that I don't know where the stupid thing is and perhaps I even threw it away.

I have already written about how impressed I have been with Netflix--I love them. In marketing terms, one might say I'm a "brand advocate." At any rate, I figured this has certainly happened to people before, so I went to their website and figured out what to do if I lost a DVD. You can report it online and pay $20 (for them to replace it) and then they send you out another movie in your queue the same day. Easy enough. But I thought about it for five days in the hopes that I found the dumb movie.

This afternoon, I bit the bullet and admitted I lost it. I paid the $20, knowing full well that I would find it, but figured that was the price I'd pay for misplacing things. Besides, I've been paying to have three movies at a time when I've only had two at a time cause I can't find one!

Imagine my pleasant surprise: It turns out, their policy is, if you find the DVD within a year, return it for a full refund! Is that great service or what? Perhaps their CEO has an unfortunate habit of losing things, too.

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