Friday, June 13, 2008

Home sweet home

After months (and months!) of looking, Rachel and Paul found a wonderful townhouse to buy. It's a darling place with two big bedrooms, great bathrooms, new appliances, and all sorts of other fabulous things. (Including membership to the community pool, which you know I will be taking advantage of.)

Rachel was talking to Dad about this new place, discussing the irony that they looked all over the area and found a place just a block and a half from where they're currently renting. This will be the easiest move ever.

It's really no secret that Dad was quietly rooting for them to find a place near us, since right now they're a five-minute drive from our house (and nothing around here is quick!). As a parent, when your kids move away, I imagine there's some solace in knowing they all live near each other. And believe me, Chad and I are thrilled that their new place is just a short walk from ours!

So when Dad heard about the new house, he thought it was fabulous. He only had one question. "Is that a block and a half closer to Chad and Ellen, or farther away?"

Though she's also happy they found a place nearby, I could hear the exasperation in Rachel's voice while recounting the conversation:

"It's closer, dad...but either's a block and a half!"

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