Wednesday, June 11, 2008

You snooze, you lose

In college, and even afterward, I would hop out of bed as soon as my alarm would go off in the mornings. But since I've gotten married, I've wandered into a very bad habit of setting the alarm a half-hour or so before I need to get up, then hitting snooze three or four times before my feet hit the floor. (All of the sleep professionals will tell you that you get absolutely no quality sleep during that time period but for some reason it makes me feel that I can transition better from sleep to being awake. I admit that it's unproductive and stupid.)

Since Lucy didn't like her crate and we're confident that she's now housebroken, we've just been letting her sleep on the floor of our room at nights. She doesn't bark, doesn't pester us, and only occasionally moves around to change positions. It's been a nice set-up and I think she likes it too.

But it's affecting my snooze strategy. Lucy has figured out what the alarm is and she'll allow me one snooze before she walks to my side of the bed and sniffs around, trying to get me up. If I don't budge, she'll wander to Chad's side and do the same thing. Back and forth...

So tomorrow morning's alarm will be set for 5:45 instead of 5:15. I don't need a buzzer and a dog pestering me to get out of bed for a half-hour.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I feel your pain. When my alarm goes off, the damn cat is up in my face meowing very loudly. Truman doesn't move and rarely will rise when we get out of bed. Franky is the anti-snooze animal.