Friday, July 25, 2008

A bipartisan boycott

When Chad worked in the Longworth building several years ago, his office (and about everyone else in Longworth) was always talking about this little old woman named Doris who has worked in the House cafeteria for about 30 years. She'd ask about everyone's kids, wives, bosses, weekend plans, etc. and people would stand in longer lines just to be rung up by Doris.

Even though he now works in a different building, Chad goes back to the Longworth cafeteria on occasion. Doris always remembers his name and my name (I've never met the woman), asks how his new job is going, and inquires about everyone else who worked in his office to see how they are doing.

I'm not saying the woman is incredibly efficient--it might take her five minutes to ring up a cup of coffee for all I know--but she is loved by the staffers!

Earlier this week, Doris was suspended for coming up short on her cash register. (By $9. Seriously.) Chad told me about it last night and was actually legitimately upset.

You've never seen people from either side of the aisle so quickly band together to bring Doris back. There was a boycott planned for Tuesday where all Hill staffers planned to eat anywhere other than the cafeterias. People who have left the Hill and have "connections" were calling the company that runs the cafeterias to was quite an operation. And now it's starting to make the news.

This morning, Doris is back, almost like nothing had happened. Emails are circulating far and wide throughout DC that the Hill's favorite lunch lady has returned to her post at the cash register. Both Democrats and Republicans are happy about this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That cafeteria would have closed before people went back there. By the way, she's not that old. Just started very young.

From a friend of a friend...

Doris is back!! She is working the Quick Pay line! Go see her and hug
her! She (tearfully) said, "Tell everyone THANK YOU!! THANK YOU SO

She is overwhelm her more!! Let me know if anyone would
like to go as a group down there today with balloons, flowers, something

We made a difference, gang! Thanks to every one of you for spreading the