Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday education

Here's what I know today that I didn't know yesterday:

1) Dogs can get eye infections. And our dog has one.

2) Since we got to stop by the vet, I had Lucy get on the scale. Chad is extremely proud that his once-medium dog has reached the 50-pound threshold and is considered "large." (It's actually 49.8, but I've decided to give her 0.2 of my own pounds to get her where she needs to be. I'm really selfless that way.)

3) The Dark Knight is an awesome movie. Go see it, but don't take young kids. (I will never understand how it got a PG-13 rating.) We don't go to the movies often, since Netflix costs less for a month than two adult theatre tickets, but this was worth it. I'm not even a Batman fan, so trust me.

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