Monday, August 4, 2008

Dog people

Let me preface this post by admitting I have never been one of "those" dog people. In fact, you may remember when we first got Lucy that I didn't think I was up for any of this animal nonsense. Since then, I've put up with a lot of puppy stuff (and surprisingly enjoyed some of it). But Lucy's been with us four months and tonight I hit a new low.

There's an ice cream place in Del Ray called the Dairy Godmother, owned by a Wisconsin couple who, like the rest of us, accidentally ended out here permanently. I wanted more of a walk, so I wasn't in the mood to visit either of the ice cream places that are just a few blocks from our house. When I Googled it to figure out how far away it was (three miles was my cut-off, I decided), I found a shortcut--it was only a mile-and-a-half. Perfectly walkable!

In addition to great custard and sorbet, the Dairy Godmother has Puppy Pops, these yogurt/banana/peanut butter concoctions that they sell for 90 cents each. Yes, I bought one for Lucy. (And some raspberry sorbet for me.) Lucy didn't know what to think of it at first, but once she realized that it was frozen and it tasted good, the cup didn't last long. Janice and Nick joined us for ice cream and snapped this photo.

So, fine. I admit that I have become a dog person. Of my dog, at least. However, I will make a solemn vow. I will never, ever, ever buy my dog the "fortified water" that they are now selling at Petco. Even I think that's too much.


Meredith said...

You are SOOO one of those dog people!!! Lucy looks really happy. Hey, wait until you have kids and you'll be amazed at what you end up buying....

Linda said...

I never thought it would happen, but you are such a dog person now! Welcome to the darkside. Nothing wrong with buying the puppy a treat now and then. When you start throwing birthday parties and buying dog cakes, then I will worry. :)