Monday, March 31, 2008

21st century test drive

About two weeks ago we reconsidered our idea of getting a dog. Chad has been excited about this for awhile but I have always been hesitant. (He must have caught me on a good night.) We found one that we liked at a shelter and met her last week. It's not the easiest process out here to get a dog, even if you want to adopt one. After filling out an application, doing a phone interview with the head of the clinic, meeting a dog in person and having a home visit, it was decided that we could take the next step.

So this is Lucy. (If you want a real good sob story, read how they got her.) We picked her up yesterday and have her until Tuesday night. A "doggie test run," if you will.

On the one hand, I have been overwhelmed. This is kind of like having a kid without having the nine months to get ready for it. I don't feel like I have had any time to do my real work like laundry, clean up from last night's party, or read my newest People magazine. And don't get me started on my nice wood floors with dirty pawprints all over them. (Fortunately the cleaning lady comes tomorrow. Yes, I am pathetic.) I am starting to wonder if I am too selfish to deal with any of the headache that comes with training, caring for, or loving a dog.

On the other hand, today has been ten times better than yesterday. Lucy has gotten used to us, she's not had any accidents in the house and I'm a bit more comfortable not being in the exact same room as she is. We had about 20 people over last night and she was so excited to meet everyone--just watched all of the action and when she absolutely couldn't hang on any longer, she just went to sleep under the dining room table. She already knows how to sit, absolutely loves Chad and has only barked once.

Chad and I have both decided that we're not going to make any decision about whether or not to keep her until Wednesday or Thursday after we take her back. (He's a definite yes but I'm still on the fence.) If we want to move forward, we will "officially" adopt her next Sunday, after we return from a weekend to see our friends in New York. I'll keep you posted!

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