Sunday, March 9, 2008

A few (more) of my favorite things...*

1) Edamame. What a great snack. One minute in the microwave and you've got practically an entire day's worth of vitamins. I love it so much, I've been buying it at Costco. That's a lot of beans.

2) Daylight Savings Time. It's 5:49 and still perfectly sunny. This is going to make the a.m. workouts a bit more difficult, but the evening sunshine is worth it!

3) Lazy days on the couch. I worked out a lot this week. Ate well. Went to church. Took my vitamins. Cleaned my house. And now that I have time to sit on the couch for hours upon end, I'm not feeling the least bit guilty for it!

4) My new kitchen faucet which has a hose that pulls out so I can water my plants without actually putting them in the sink, fill up the water filter, and get at all those weird angles of big pots and pans. I had no idea what I was missing!

5) Great customer service. Remember the horrid experience I had with my cell phone? Today I took the new one back to AT&T (because I found the old one) and they gave me a refund for the one I purchased, no questions asked. After all that headache, I didn't end up spending a dime.

* These things are subject (and likely) to change at any time with no notice.

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