Sunday, March 16, 2008

Smart Alec

The car dealership at the end of our street has started selling Smart cars and they are making quite a fuss in the neighborhood. All day long yesterday we saw people test driving them up and down the street.

These cars remind me of the winners in those "ugly dog" contests. At first glance, they are appalling but there is some sort of a "this is who I am so deal with it" personality that makes them rather attractive. And, much like an ugly dog, I would probably never buy one.

Smart car owners will have to be very careful not to try to make it look cool. Just accept all its weird flaws and quirks and get it in a bright yellow or something. No use trying to pretend that it's the second coming of automobiles. More like a, "Hey, look at me. I'm different and I like it, thank you very much. And yes, I get 40 miles to the gallon in the city. And, no, I probably can't hold all of your groceries..."

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